Portfolio analysis
Stacked bar chart comparison
- There are important differences between the 2 allocations, namely:
- Fixed income and cash are too large.
- Large Cap and International Equity are too small.
- Because the asset classes are arranged roughly according to riskiness, this recommendation is easily interpreted in terms of increased exposure.
Original graphic
Revisions and discussion
- The pie chart has become a stacked bar chart (Excel stacked 'column' chart).
- The entries are sorted in the Excel table most to least risky so that they appear in reverse order in the graphic
- The data area is shown with a different background from the surrounding plot area.
- One problem with pie charts is locating the 'zero' angle from which sectors are measured.
- Because Other is insignificant its absence in the bars is clear.
- Reasonable estimates of the actual percentages could be made from the revision.